Urban STBGP Application
EDCTC Approves the Release of Call for Projects for Urban Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP) Funds
As the Regional Transportation Planning Agency (RTPA) charged with programming federal and state transportation funding for the west slope of El Dorado County, El Dorado County Transportation Commission (EDCTC) is responsible for the programming of Urban Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBGP) funds to projects or programs in our jurisdiction. EDCTC has determined future estimates of available funds from the STBGP program. Urban STBGP funds are reimbursable federal aid funds, subject to all the requirements of Title 23, United States Code. The STBGP program has the most flexible eligibilities among all Federal-aid highway programs. Eligible costs include program planning, preliminary engineering (including environmental studies), right-of-way acquisition, capital costs, and construction costs associated with an eligible activity.
In general, STBGP projects may not be on local roads or rural minor collectors. There are a number of exceptions to this requirement, such as the ability to use up to 15% of a State’s rural suballocation on minor collectors. Other exceptions include: bridge and tunnel projects; safety projects; fringe and corridor parking facilities/programs; recreational trails, pedestrian and bicycle projects, and safe routes to school projects; boulevard/roadway projects largely in the right-of-way of divided highways; inspection/evaluation of bridges, tunnels, and other highway assets; port terminal modifications; and projects within the pre-FAST Act Title 23 definition of “transportation alternatives” [23 U.S.C. 133(c)].The STBGP promotes flexibility in State and local transportation decisions and provides flexible funding to best address State and local transportation needs.
On May 5, 2022, The EDCTC approved the release of the 2022 Call for Projects for Urban STBGP Funding. EDCTC is making available a total of $4,415,638.00 to eligible applicants. The application due date has been extended to close of business on Monday, August 1, 2022. The project application form, in PDF and Word formats, is linked below:
Urban STBGP App.docxUrban STBGP App.pdf